Beyond a pledge to make the US tax code fairer, and to expand the use of tax credits to support working families and encourage clean energy, the Democratic party platform for 2020 contains few specifics. However, some key proposals have been included in various speeches and interviews given by Joe Biden:
Would you be right to think that there will be no significant changes? It’s not entirely certain. In the first instance, the US budget deficit is increasing through a combination of the 2017 tax cuts and the impact of the cost of COVID-19 to the US economy and treasury so far. Taxes might have to rise if the fiscal pressure becomes too great.
Perhaps more likely, Trump spent a lot of time in the 2016 campaign discussing big infrastructure projects such as highways, bridges, dams, and perhaps technology infrastructure, such as improving broad band in rural areas of the country. None of this has happened. If he gets a second term, he might be ready to cut a deal to raise taxes in order to fund a major package of infrastructure improvements.
At the moment there is too much uncertainty to suggest specific action until the full results of the election are known. However, individuals already considering tax planning moves such as making gifts or selling assets may want to accelerate these to lock in the certainty of the current rules.
It is also not possible to know the timing of when legislation can be passed to implement any tax policy changes. Whoever takes office on 20 January 2021 will have a lot on their plate. It seems unlikely that changes to income taxes can be brought in so rapidly as to be retroactive for all of 2021. However, transaction based taxes, such as capital gains and estate and gifts taxes could be made effective from a specific date.
We will update our clients and contacts with a further article once the results of the election are known.
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